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Every Day Is A Good Day For Ho’oponopono
Inspirational Messages from the Heart
Ilene Gottlieb
Every Day Is A Good Day For Ho’oponopono
Inspirational Messages from the Heart
Ilene Gottlieb
Remember ... These special bonus gifts valued at $75 are only available during the Power Up Nursing Conference! * Full color, signed paperback book (shipping included) * Digital version (pdf format) * Specially designed bookmark * Introduction To Ho'oponopono Class Replay This is a one-time offer from my Heart. Click the button below to make your purchase and get started using Ho'oponopono to clear the root cause of whatever issues you are having that are limiting you in any way! |
If not, thank you so much for your time and for connecting.
I hope you will consider allowing me the privilege of being of service in the future to you or someone you love.
Please feel free to look around my website while you are here and join our Facebook Group.
Our Facebook Group is open to everyone.
After you request to join, there are (3) membership questions that will pop up.
Once you respond to all of them, you will be welcomed into the group.
Here is the link:
The Heart Healers Ho'oponopono Facebook Community
Blessings of Love and gratitude,
Ilene ~ The Heart Healer
+1 (561) 602-1989
[email protected]
"I help heart-centered individuals and entrepreneurs who struggle with trauma, fear,
self-sabotaging negative thoughts or behaviors and self-worth issues,
experience inner peace, self-confidence, empowerment and a
knowing of their soul's purpose."
Schedule your Complimentary Heart Healer Session today!!
Ilene ~ The Heart Healer
+1 (561) 602-1989
[email protected]
"I help heart-centered individuals and entrepreneurs who struggle with trauma, fear,
self-sabotaging negative thoughts or behaviors and self-worth issues,
experience inner peace, self-confidence, empowerment and a
knowing of their soul's purpose."
Schedule your Complimentary Heart Healer Session today!!