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As my thank you, I'd like to gift you with a beautiful meditation: "Remembering Your Heart Of Love" YES, please send me my meditation! |
Live with Ilene Gottlieb ~ The Heart Healer ~ January 29, 2023 7:00-8:00pm ET It's Sunday!! Join us tonight for your weekly dose of heart-centered wisdom as Ilene hosts the show "Live With Ilene Gottlieb ~ The Heart Healer" at 7pm Eastern Time. Our home for this live blogtalkradio show is on The Heart Healer Radio Network. Ilene offers wisdom from the Akashic Records to support you in living life from a place of conscious heart connection. Your best opportunity to receive a FREE Live Intuitive Reading on the show is to call in at 6:45pm Eastern Time to get into the queue by calling (619) 924-9726. Follow this link for tonight's show: tobtr.com/s/12192937 Blessings of love and gratitude, Ilene ~ The Heart Healer "I help an International clientele of heart-centered individuals and entrepreneurs who struggle with trauma, fear, self-sabotaging negative thoughts or behaviors and self-worth issues, to experience inner peace, self-confidence, empowerment and a knowing of your soul's purpose." "I love you, Thank you" 5 Benefits of Accessing Your Soul’s Wisdom And Why Now Is YOUR Time with Ilene Gottlieb ~ The Heart Healer *Do you sense there is more you are Here to accomplish? *Have you been dreaming the same dreams and having the same thoughts but have not been able to get Clarity on the details? * Do you feel what you need to know is at the tip of your tongue but you can’t quite Articulate what it is? * Are you Stuck in patterns that you recognize aren’t working for you but you just don’t know how to change it and break Free? For almost 30 years, Ilene has been offering wisdom through her connection to the Akashic Records for 1000’s of clients around the world. And now it’s Your Time as we move into the energy of this New Year of 2023 or “7” year, which is all about Spirituality and our Life Path. This is a significant year for following our hearts and by doing so, opening up to the possibilities that await us. For our soul’s purpose that we came into this lifetime with is always pulling at our heart strings guiding us every step of the way. But are we listening? And if we are, are we hearing all that we need to hear to move forward? Join Ilene for this webinar and learn how accessing your Akashic Records and combining this with Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian problem solving process is your Path to Freedom! Tuesday, January 31, 2023 12:00pm Eastern Time 9:00am Pacific Time 5:00pm London Time Zoom Platform You are welcome to invite others with this link, and the replay will only be available until Friday! us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuceqoqDMtHdcm351icOIvYZbd6j-zbrLj Contributions are welcomed with gratitude to support more free events like this. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=DPNWE2JW53YTL “I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you”. The Heart Healers Ho'oponopono Membership Community Weekly Support Session with Ilene Gottlieb ~ The Heart Healer Wednesdays at 7pm Eastern time via Zoom Platform This weekly Support Session is one of the benefits of participating in The Heart Healers Ho'oponopono Membership Community. If you are interested in information about this community and how to join, click this link: The Heart Healers Ho'oponopono Membership Community No one will ever be turned away from this membership community for an inability to pay. To me, Ho’oponopono is so important to Humanity that I will do everything I can to keep the doors of this community open to BE of service! I hope you will join us and begin this New Year of 2023, a “7” year which represents all things Spiritual, and enjoy the opportunity to heal more than you can possibly imagine!! I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you Ilene ~ The Heart Healer "I help an International clientele of heart-centered individuals and entrepreneurs who struggle with trauma, fear, self-sabotaging negative thoughts or behaviors and self-worth issues, to experience inner peace, self-confidence, empowerment and a knowing of their soul's purpose." Chronically Healthy Life TV Show with Andy Nam, Minna Wong & Kristy Boyd Johnson I am blessed to be a guest on this new TV show on e360tv.com Please Join the show at 8:00pm Eastern Time. (Link to the show will be posted as soon as available) Live with Ilene Gottlieb ~ The Heart Healer ~ February 12, 2023 7:00-8:00pm ET It's Sunday!! Join us tonight for your weekly dose of heart-centered wisdom as Ilene hosts the show "Live With Ilene Gottlieb ~ The Heart Healer" at 7pm Eastern Time. Our home for this live blogtalkradio show is on The Heart Healer Radio Network. Ilene offers wisdom from the Akashic Records to support you in living life from a place of conscious heart connection. Your best opportunity to receive a FREE Live Intuitive Reading on the show is to call in at 6:45pm Eastern Time to get into the queue by calling (619) 924-9726. Follow this link for tonight's show: tobtr.com/s/12197640 Blessings of love and gratitude, Ilene ~ The Heart Healer "I help an International clientele of heart-centered individuals and entrepreneurs who struggle with trauma, fear, self-sabotaging negative thoughts or behaviors and self-worth issues, to experience inner peace, self-confidence, empowerment and a knowing of your soul's purpose." "I love you, Thank you" |